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Farmers associations

Smallholder farmers gathering in farmers financial and/or agricultural associations to have access to inputs, trainings and loans and better access the market for the sale of produce

Livestock trade

Smallholders strategies to sell livestock according to the market conditions and the rainfall

Manure spread

Soil fertilization through the incorporation of on-farm produced manure

Trade of agricultural products

Smallholder farmers techniques to access markets  

Stone terraces

Stone hand-made structures across the slopes which help preventing soil erosion

Crop rotation

Temporal crop sequences in the same field

Sack garden

A very simple farming system suitable for the growth of vegetables where appropriate farm land is missing

Keyhole garden

Alternative farming system suitable for the growth of vegetables where appropriate farm land is missing

Crop residues, a valuable livestock feed

Stored crop residues are fed to livestock during the dry season when there is low availability of fresh forages

Non conventional feed resources

Alternative feeds for livestock